Our Coach

Play with a smile, play with passion.

Our Coaches

Lubomira Mikundova

Lubomira loves coaching all ages. She is alway looking forward to the new season and is excited to
share her knowledge with her athletes. When Lubomira isn’t in the gym, she spend her time with her

Certified Coach

Meet our certified coach, your guide to success. They help you grow and achieve your goals, making your learning experience positive and impactful.


Started playing since 8 years old in my home Country Slovakia. Played volleyball in Canada since 1998

Years of Experience

High School Coach for Boys and Girls Club Head Coach

U12 Club Head coach girls
U15 Club Head Coach girls
U16 Club Head Coach girls
Message from Coach

It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.

As your coach, I am thrilled to embark on this journey with each and every one of you. Our shared passion for unites us, and together, we’ll not only strive for success on the field but also foster a sense of camaraderie and personal growth.

I am committed to guiding and inspiring you, pushing boundaries, and celebrating every achievement, big or small. Let’s work hard, support each other, and make this season an unforgettable chapter in our Raptors Vollyball story. Here’s to teamwork, determination, and the joy of playing the game we love!
